This new book, which replaces ‘The Transition Handbook’, is the result of 18 months of a collaborative process involving people from Transition initiatives around the world.
It reframes Transition as a collection of ‘ingredients’ and ‘tools’ which each initiative assembles in its own way. It is rich with stories, artwork, case studies and photos contributed by Transition initiatives themselves.
It is rich with insight and the kind of wisdom that can only come from an open-source 5 year global experiment such as Transition. It represents a quantum leap forward in the Transition movement, a deepening, a maturing, and a very tangible vision of where all of this might go and how we might be most confident of actually getting there. It has 320 pages, and is in full colour, It’s probably got a picture of you in it somewhere…
The online ingredients director
As well as being gathered together in the book, the ingredients have also been put online in an interactive, interlinked, technologically dazzling kind of jamboree.
Our Transition Network Vebmasters have excelled themselves with this, their finest creation to date.
You will notice the homepage now looks rather different, with the ingredients as a major theme. All the ingredients, and all the tools, are now online, each with space for comments and feedback.
There is also the “Transition Ingredientator”, otherwise known as “Add your own ingredient”, which will give you the opportunity to draft any that you feel we have neglected.
Source: Transition Network Newsletter 27.10.2011
Noch gibt es keine deutsche Übersetzung von dem Buch. Wer mal in das Buch hineinschauen will, kann gerne die wandelBar Initiativgruppe ansprechen. Ein Exemplar haben wir bereits hier im Barnim…